a message from danish


Dear Reader,

Welcome to “Fallen Petals,” where our hearts can feel, our minds can think, and our words can help express our emotions. Join me on my journey to discover new adventures, unearth the realities of life, and devour some expressive pieces of literature. 

I have been blessed with so many well-wishers encouraging me to keep writing and share my experiences with the world. This collection is my attempt to share my experiences of life with all of you. I risk my own vulnerability to inspire readers who might be on their own journey to finding companionship and love. 

Most people come into your life and leave an imprint similar to a footprint in the sand- a temporary mark that gets swept away with the wind. But then there are those individuals who come into your life and leave a mark that's set in stone, which neither weather nor time can ever erase.  When you find these individuals, you should be ever grateful to God for aligning your paths. With that thought, I thank you for allowing me to share my experiences with you and leave you in hope that love continues to blossom in your lives like petals on a blooming rose and when days get tough, I hope you remember that no less beautiful are the fallen petals. 

With Love,